DIVINA Skincare & Botanicals (Wholesale Available)

We create products with special considerations with Cancer Warriors and Champions as our benchmark clients in mind so we can all live & relax better...while you "Nurture Your Body" and "Honor Your Skin"
Carmen Milagro, our founder began researching non-carcinogenic ingredients after losing her mother to cancer.
In her quest for healthier topicals, she also became a Certified CBD Consultant and Hemp CBD Advocate, learned about the human ECS (endo-cannabinoidal system). Soon after she began to blend pure clean Hemp CBD oil into her formulations…too late to help her Mami, but now helps others in honor of her mother's memory. Her legacy is called DIVINA...a premium healthy lifestyle brand.
This is one reason, why we use only plant-based and food-grade,“Your product's amazing. It’s soothing and natural. The best curated ingredients. A product so superior you have to check it out! Experience the difference. Feel the difference. Love the difference!”